Sunday, May 17, 2009

catching up...

well...i went back to work full time a couple days early, as my doctor
said i could go back when i felt ready. I only really felt stir crazy toward
the end. I got a lot accomplished in the 3 days i was there. I had a lot of
catching up to do after being out for nearly 6 weeks. The girl that filled in
did what she could, but there were things she couldn't do, so it waited for my return.
No Biggie. was a funny day. It was sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy. pouring rain, 2 minutes
later sunny. how odd. I feel bad for people who held garage sales as if any were out in
the driveway it might have gotten a little crazy...that' s why i don't hold my own garage sales anymore. It's just more work than anything and people aren't interested in what i want to
get rid of, why would they want it if i don't anymore? lol. oh well. Then i went to my Dad' s and had dinner, and visited for a bit, and then we went to visit Steve at the park (work).

Sun - just having a lazy day. getting stuff done for the new week. Groceries, got to see Jr., going to watch a movie and playing on the internet until Steve gets home from work. I also got some kind of order together for our bills, and my, they say (financial people - i think susie Orman) inparticular that your life represents how your wallet is. OH BOY! Until this morning, there were PENS, receipts, debit card and insurance card out of place, it was very unorganized. I can say i feel much better now. :)

This week i have to do monthend, i want to clean my desk, organize/file paperwork, and get it all done while also answering phones and doing tenant work as well. lol. we'll see.

i wanted to put a blog in that wasn't specifically about Junior in today...As i think about Junior everyday...i do other things as well...


  1. You'll never forget him- But it's good to find your new normal and find your laughter and other thoughts creeping into your head!! I imagine it will be comforting for your friends to see you healing as well! Hugs!

  2. thanks laura! ;)
    always so sweet!
